Swanley New Barn Railway

Locomotives of the Swanley New Barn Railway
The SNBR Fleet is listed below, starting with the front line locomotives that are commonly used when available

Sir Goss
Sir Goss was the main stay of the steam engine fleet working most days when available. She was completed by the legendary Jim Goss circa 1981 and was primarily used on the Tucktonia railway. Sir Goss was mostly known for running around the legendary Moors Valley Railway, and since her purchase by the SNBR has been back to the MVR a fair few times. Sir Goss is a 2-4-0 sit in roofed tender engine with the same power as Talos at the MVR, with an expected traffic effor of about 220 Pounds. Sir Goss has been through many rebuilds in her time, and her present incarnation has walcharts valve gear, and locomotive firebox and the bell smoke box has gone as well.
In 2016 everything below the boiler was sent to Moors Valley for a full overhaul returning completed to a very high and mazing standard to the SNBR in the summer of 2021. in 2022, Sir Goss became the first steam engine to do the most miles in a single season at the SNBR.

Western Enterprise
Western Enterprise arrived at the SNBR on the 24th May 2012. The Western was named from a poll of our members, and the named chosen to show she is the first Mardyke built Western. Western Enterprise has many unique for Mardyke appearences including outside wheels (in keeping with the real ones) and a mechanical vacuum pump, and of course the skirts. This diesel has also had her top speed reduced compared to the existing fleet (which in turn should make her more powerfull)
The handsome engine boasts the latest Kabota engine (up rated from our existing Mardyke diesels), Eaton pump and in keeping with the other diesels both bogies are driven by hydraulic motors. The Western was the first of two new diesels arriving in 2012,
Western Enterprise received a full repaint on-site in 2024, along with improved bogies some new parts including a new radiator and a more comfortable seat.

Mrs Darling
Mrs Darling has been completely built at Swanley, by the owner of Prince Sheian, with help from the membership. She took about 2 years to build. Mrs Darling entered service on the 25th August 2017. She is based on a Tinkerbell class locomotive and is an 0-4-2T. The first Tinkerbell is based at Moors Valley Railway, and is Mrs Darling owner favourite locomotive. Mrs. Darling compared to a normal Tinkerbell has a few different touches, including an unusual firebox door, rear coal bunker, whistle operation via a pulley to name a few. Despite being small compared to her larger looking stable mates, she will be about 60% as powerful as Prince Sheian and in terms of power is very similar to Sir Goss and will has no problem handling the loads and gradients on the SNBR.
Mrs Darling sports 2.75" bored cylinders and 4.25" stroke, with her driving wheels being 8.5" in diameter. Her grate size is approximately 70" square, with a 110psi boiler
The name for Mrs Darling comes from Peter Pan, with Wendy mum being Mrs Darling, and the fact that the owner calls his wife Darling. The builders wife chose the colour, which is loosely based on Cadbury Milk Tray purple, and the lining is 'off white'.

Ketrel arrived in 1999 and entered service in 2000. Kestrel is mechanically similar to all her sisters, but was (and maybe still is) when she arrived the only diesel working model of the legendary Hawker Sidley Kestrel. Our engine even received permission from Hawker Sidley (as well as a full detailed report on how they built the "big" real one) to have the company logo on her side. It was amazing (and still is) how many people have come to see her since she arrived at the SNBR. For this very reason a special gala was organised to celebrate her first birthday at the SNBR, with a staggering line up of sister Mardyke engines turning up to enjoy the show. Kestrel remains the most popular engine with enthusiasts, and is very popular with our smaller public (its the shiny yellow paint!). Kestrel, along with Sir Goss from the steam fleet has certainly been to a few places and events since her arrival. The list includes Eastleigh Lakeside Railway and Pecorama. Kestrel was repainted in 2003/4 to a more accurate reflection of her big sister, but with a lack of any real paint documentation it is all a lot of guess work.
In 2013 the railway made the decision to renovate the insides of the engine to match the new Mardyke locomotives, the "new" Kestrel Entered passenger service in July 2014. The decision was made as all the old Mardyke fleet are life expired, and in particular key components are no longer made.
In 2024 Kestrel received new improved bogies and a far more comfortable driving seat..

Aneirin is unique at Swanley, in that she is an articulated steam locomotive. She is a single Fairlie, 0-4-4 tank locomotive, built between 2012 and 2015. Aneirin, like most of the other steam locomotives at Swanley, is a full sized locomotive (not a model). She is a cousin of Taliesin at the Ffestiniog Railway, and, as such, shows a good family resemblance to her bigger relative.
She was built in both the builder’s home workshop and the one at the railway. The boiler was professionally built, and the base colour professionally sprayed, but, apart from those two, the locomotive was hand built entirely by her owner/builder.
She is built on principles learnt from the Moors Valley Railway, in order to make driving and maintenance as simple as is possible, whilst providing the public with a proper steam locomotive.
Driving wheels 8.5” diameter, cylinders 3.5” bore and 4.25” stroke. Length 9’ 3”, width 28” and height 50”. Boiler pressure 120psi.
The name Aneirin comes from a 6th century Welsh poet, and was chosen because he was a compatriot of Taliesin, after whom the FR’s single Fairlie was named.

Robert F Fairlie
The New 47 Arrived on 11th August 2012. She was purchased to replaced our retired class 47 County of Kent. After a running in period she entered full service by Mid August. Mechanically similar to her sister Western Enterprise, these 2 new Mardyke engines will be the main stay of the SNBR fleet for many years to come we hope, allowing the older fleet to be either retired or rebuilt at a more sedate pace. The New 47 was named Robert F. Fairlie by the chairman on the 28th August 2014, she also finally received her decals (large logo and number - 47645).. In 2022 Robert received new bogies (now standard across our front line diesels, as well as receiving a new more comfortable seat.

Queens Messenger
Queen Messenger arrived at SNBR 26th Aug 2016 (1812 night). She is based on the Class 67 Queens Messenger that regularly pulls the Luxury British Pullman Coaches out of London.
She was built by an SNBR member who based the layout on the tried and tested Mardyke locos that are used at SNBR. He started by drawing the entire locomotive on CAD (Computer Aided Design) down to the last nut and bolt, including the body. This helped him to reduce costly mistakes and enabled him to use the latest methods of manufacture such as laser cutting and CNC machining.
The loco is powered by a Kubota 2 cylinder diesel engine that drives a Hansa pump ( 1st tested on Phoenix)which is directly mounted to the engine, thereby eliminating the requirement of a sub- frame and potential misalignment of pump to engine. The locomotive also benefits from primary and secondary suspension

Other Locomotives in the SNBR Fleet
The SNBR houses other engines that when working are less used than our front line engines

Skipper is a freelance narrow gauge diesel engine. Arriving for testing in Early 2011, and she entered service on 2nd April 2011 (after receiving her shiny new blue paint). Skipper was expertly built by Peter Beevers and is the 4th sit in diesel outline engine he has built (2 are at Barking Light railway). The engine has a sideways sitting seat to allow shunting to be completed easily.
Skipper is often seen pulling demonstration freight trains or small passenger trains. When double heading with Nipa, the two together can easily pull a full train.

Steptoe was the first engine to be built in house at the SNBR and entered service in 1987. She is based on the Mardyke design of locomotive, having an engine that powers a hydraulic pump, that then power 2 motors mounted on the bogie. Steptoe's name stems from the fact that many of her pants were sourced from scrap, including part of her roof being from a very old AA sign.
Steptoe is based on the BR Class 25, and is painted in two tone green, after her initial livery of blue was considered not good enough by her builder. Although not quite as powerful or as fast as her Mardyke stable mates, Steptoe can handle a full SNBR train, and has a certain wiggle about her when working up the hills

Phoenix entered Service 8th August 2015
This loco is intended a test bed for ideas to improve the design of the existing diesel fleet. It is anticipated that any improvements will be incorporated in the specification of future locos.
Like the mythical bird from which it takes its name, it is likely to be reborn with different features.
The basic chassis is an old Mardyke one which started life under the Kestrel body, it’s body originated as old concept version of a Eurostar body, but has been extensively re-modelled.
It’s first task is to test a new type of hydraulic pump with a view to replacing the existing ones in use with the hope improving reliability and drivability.

Engines in Major Overhaul
As our locomotives get old and warn they need an overhaul. The below are engines presently either in for or waiting overhaul

Tegen was the second engine to built at the SNBR. A 4WD freelance sit in narrow gauge engine. Powerful enough to pull a full SNBR set when available. She has 10hp Kabota Diesel and Eaton Hydrostatic pump. Painted purple and named after the builders Grandmother.

Prince Sheian
Prince Sheian is a 2-4-0 large narrow gauge engine, based on the design of Jason and other engines at Moors Valley Railway. She was completed in 2010 after an 8 year build, and was completely built in the railways workshop. She has a 150PSI working pressure boiler, which is run at 120PSI for ease of injector use. She has 3.5" bore cylinders with 4.25" stroke with 8.5" driving wheels and for the real nurds amoungst has a 90 sq inch grate area.
Prince Sheian is named after the builders parents She(ila) and Ian thus Sheian, and the Prince part comes from the project being known as project Prince or just Prince, and her owner felt that the word Prince had to be retained for the engine. Prince Sheian entered service on the 3rd April 2010, and was formally named on the 23rd May 2010 by the builders parents. He is painted "monarch red" which is the same colour as our red coaches, but has white lining. Her tender is capable of holding 80 gallons of water.
Since 2016 with the absence of both Owd Rosie and Sir Goss she was the primary used steam engine, setting a new record for the most used steam engine in a season. During her first 10 years of service Prince Sheian visited Moors Valley Railway, Eastleigh Lakeside and Barnards.
At the end of2019 Prince Sheian was withdrawn from service for a full overhaul after 10 years of hard service for the SNBR. During his 10 years of service Prince set many new SNBR steam records, including most trips around the track in a normal operating day, most steam engine trips in a year, and at the time of withdrawl for overhaul he had overtaken in terms of total miles all the other SNBR steam engines.
As part of his on-going rebuid, Prince has received a completely new tender to a completely new design. Her rebuild continues with an all new valve gear being designed, frames have been overhauled and are edging nearer to assembly.

Tulyar arrived in 1987, being bought by the first ever volunteer on the railway. Tulyar arrived numbered 550015 and in a green livery, something not quite right anyway!. Tulyar was put to use in completing the main line, and entered passenger service at Easter 1987. She is a remarkable beast, and is the reason why the SNBR has a significant collection of similar Mardyke mini-beasts. She is powered by Kabota 10hp diesel engine driving a hydraulic pump that supplies 2 hydraulic motors. Tulyar is by far and away the most used engine on the railway, and within the membership is probably the favourite engine in the fleet. She has recently passed her 20,000 mile of passenger hauling in 20 years of service, and no doubt several thousands of freight miles and shunts could be added in there as well.
Amazingly in 2000 we held a special event to commerate the arrival of Kestrel one of her sister engines in to the fleet. At this event the builder of all 5 of these engines was in attendence, and we discoverd that our Tulyar originally started life as a petrol powered locomotive and was in fact slightly shorter in length. Making her even older than originally expected.
Tulyar is presently receiving a full rebuild on-site, including the fitting of a similar hydraulic pump to that on Queens Messenger. It is hoped that she will return to service in 2020

The SNCF arrived in 2001, after being purchased by one of the SNBR members, and is the 5th Mardyke Diesel to be based at the SNBR. She is mechanically similar to her sisters, although she sports different bogie frames to other 6 wheel bogie mardyke diesels. She is affectionally known as Sniffer as sort of short form of SNCF which is the other name she is known by. The sniffer originally ran at the SNBR Kestrel weekend, when she was borrowed by the SNBR to celebrate the event.

Nipa entered service in September 2013, with a few trials starting in May 2013. She is a petrol powered hydrostatic driven shunting engine, based on the same chassis as Skipper (from the same supplier). Her power unit is what remains from the sale of destiny (a never finished GP40 style engine). Nipa is named after her joint owners first two initials N.I. and P.A. thus the name Nipa. Most of her parts other than the chassis are made from spare items either lying around the railway or from the owners home. Thus she has been relatively cheap to construct.
Nipa is intended to be the Winter work ballast train, to stop our lovely shiny front line diesels being damaged from heavy duty winter work, and over the winter 2013/14 she did all the winter work services meaning none of the shiny Mardykes were used. She has also pulled passenger trains, but she is not powerful enough to cope with a full SNBR 5 carriage train, however she often double heads with Skipper, which together the can operate a full train.
In 2015 Facnott Railway was subjected to a large fire that left them with no engines or carriages. The SNBR supplied NIPA and two coaches to get them back up and running. Nipa performed well and seemed to be loved by the Fancott team.

Siusaidh (which was initially going to be called Jim) is the 6th engines to be started at the SNBR, and the 4th to be finished. She is the first steam engine to be built by the SNBR. Constructed in our workshop and the builders personal workshop. The 2-4-4 tank engine is based on Hartfield and Jason at the Moors Valley Railway, with 3.5" cylinders diameter and a 4 1/4" stroke, with a boiler working pressure of 120psi. This engine is extremely powerful, and with a standard rake of coaches, filled with members on her first day of running, she didn't even break a sweat. Superbly built by her creator, she benefits from sealed bearings, and a very well made boiler from andy Bennett.
Siusaidh entered passenger service on the 22nd December 2008, pulling half of the santa specials, and even getting to double head with Tinkerbell from Moors Valley Railway for a few trips. Siusaidh is finished in LNER green, and in the future will have black and white lining. Suisaidh is presently out of service waiting her 10 overhaul

The 3rd Mardyke Class 47 to be owned and run at SNBR arrived on 28th February 2015. She comes from the Ness Island Railway where she was rarely used, so despite being the first second hand Mardyke diesel to be purchased by the SNBR, she arrived pretty much new.
After arrival she has been fitted with SNBR Vacuum pump and controls, repainted into NSE livery, and to keep her Scottish connection she was named Nessy in Gaelic, Niseag.
She is expected to enter front line mainline service in 2016, but did manage a few trips with her Sister 47 (Robert F Fairlee) in 2015
In 2024 Nessy received new bogies and a new more comfortable seat. Her exhaust was replaced along with a shiny new radiator. She was also re-wired.